

NNINZI CONTRACTORS UGANDA – LIMITED is a premier locally owned company based in Kampala, Uganda, operating in the fields of construction and water drilling. With over a decade of experience, we have established ourselves as a top provider of quality services to our clients. Our extensive knowledge and expertise in these industries enable us to offer a wide range of specialized services to meet the diverse needs of our customers. With our commitment to excellence, we strive to deliver innovative solutions that exceed our clients’ expectations.

Why Us!



Experience guarantees quality service, efficient problem-solving, and a smooth process. Our team's expertise ensures clients achieve their goals with confidence.



Our services offer high-quality solutions that meet clients' needs. We take pride in delivering excellent results through attention to detail, innovation, and collaboration with our clients.


Team Work

Experience guarantees quality service, efficient problem-solving, and a smooth process. Our team's expertise ensures clients achieve their goals with confidence.


Result Oriented

We deliver quality, teamwork, and result-oriented services with our experienced team. We ensure efficient problem-solving and practical solutions that drive success

Core Values!


Our mission is to provide our clients with top-tier services that exceed their expectations. We believe that quality should never come at a premium and are committed to delivering value for money without compromising on quality or safety.


Our vision is to be the most trusted and respected construction company in the industry, known for our innovative designs, uncompromising dedication to quality and excellent customer service.


To be able to tackle even the most challenging civil engineering projects. Whether it is designing a new bridge or retrofitting an existing one, our team has the experience and expertise to get the job done right.

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